Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Gallery: Shock Rockers Throughout the Decades

Shock Rock: (noun) Usually coincides with metal or industrial music, or music with particularly darker lyrics. But, it is the shocking theatrics of the performer that earns the title of genre as "shock rock".

1. In the 1950s, the world saw the initial emergence of shock rock. Screamin Jay Hawkins shocked his audience when he emerged on stage in a coffin and sang into a skull microphone. Hawkins's often performed with smoke and bright flashing lights too. His hit, "I Put a Spell On You" was his claim to fame, aside from his bizarre performance antics.


Above: Music Video for "I Put a Spell On You", Screamin Jay Hawkins

2. The groovy 1960s brought us English shock rocker Arthur Brown. Famous for his hit, "Fire", which features similar keyboarding sounds as The Doors, Brown appeared painted in black and white, wearing a burning headdress in the music video. From time to time he would even perform in the nude, including the time in Italy, when a naked Brown caught fire and was deported from the country.

Above: Music video for "Fire", Arthur Brown

3. SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER! Remember singing this at the end of a school year? That's one of the 1970s shock rocker Alice Cooper's most famous hits. Like his fellow shock rocker precursors, Cooper would also paint his face. But he takes his performances to a shocking new level as he is known his array of costumes and for staging his own death. From spike traps, to guillotines, Cooper will make you feel like you're watching a good ol' horror film rather than a concert (a horror movie with some darn good tunes).

Above: Cooper's song, "Billion Dollar Babies", Alice Cooper

4. Which band from the 1980s is known for their thrash metal and their scary costumes? If you guessed Gwar, you are correct. Their iconic get-ups are inspired by sci-fi and horror, and their music features some scandalous lyrics, such as, "Babyraper, sperm creator/ Hulkish, brutish masturbator," (from song "Baby Raper"). Gwar would even sacrifice fake animals on stage.

Above: Gwar, "War Toy"

5. The 1990s brought on Marilyn Manson's popularity. Manson himself often sings of death and violence, and his music serves as a critique of modern society. But on stage (and off), he is often seen wearing heavy white face makeup, looking as pale as a ghost, coloured contacts, and a variety of dark lipstick colours. His shock extends off-stage as well, like in his music videos for instance (the bloody rain in one of his later songs, "Heart Shaped Glasses" for example). In his live performances of "Antichrist Superstar",  he rips out pages of the Bible, which has offended (and probably still offends) Christian people. 

Above: Official unreleased music video for "Antichrist Superstar", Marilyn Manson

6. The 2000s birthed the band Ghost (also known as Ghost B.C in the USA). All members dress in hooded robes, while the lead vocalist dresses in skull masks, and Cardinal robes. Even the names of the members could be shocking to some: Papa Emeritus II (vocalist) and nameless ghouls (rest of the band). The band members remain a mystery, since none of the five members publicly announced their real names, except for the lead singer who is Tobias Forge. They even went to the length of disguising their voices during interviews. Fans are even referred to as "the clergy". Ghost released their first full-length album on October 18, 2010 called "Opus Eponymous".

Above: Music video for, "Secular Haze", Ghost

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