Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Toronto Goes Hipster!

     September 11, 2012 marks the day when Toronto finally got its first ever indie station - 88.1 Indie Toronto. Rivalling 102.1 The Edge, this station focuses more on emerging Canadian artists. Specifically, the 40% of the station's content will be Canadian, and of that 40%, 60% will be new, upcoming artists. Also 10 hours and 48 minutes will be spent talking, and 2 hours and 50 minutes will be straight news.

     The frequency, CKLN-FM, formerly belonged to Ryerson University for nearly thirty years, until they lost their broadcast license in 2011. From that period of time, until 88.1 filled the airwaves, the frequency was left empty. There were 22 different applications placed to fill that radio station.    

     Dave Carr, the station's Operation Manager says, "Our mission is to give Canadian Indie musicians and their hundreds of thousands of fans their own place on the Toronto FM Radio dial. Indie artists are the industry stars of tomorrow and Indie 88.1 will simply help tomorrow come sooner.” Finally, Torontonians could experience indie music outside the realm of the internet. Isn't that great?

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